Welcome to my tribute to cattle on the Internet. This is intended to be a
fairly comprehensive list (to date) of references to cows in general as found on
other people's pages. My criteria was simple - hadda be bovine. I shyed away
from commercial stuff but then I break my own (non-existent) rules on occasion.
My comments are sprinkled throughout. If you see a link I don't have, feel free
email me and I'll visit it when I can.
Be sure to tell me your own homepage URL when you recommend one (if yours is not
the one being recommended) and I'll include a link to your page and a "Suggested
By" byline with the link. If you'd like to contribute a new page on a
particular zone resident, read my miniscular
guidelines for
pages on this site. Enough talking, let's get mooing.
Dave's Cow Page
- Audio, images, poetry, songs, facts, links, etc. etc. etc. My page pales
by comparison - a tip of the horns to you Dave.
TEZ's Cow Page
- All things cow - and I mean all.
Alper's Cow Collection
- Very reminiscent of Big Dave's page but the Monty Python "feché
la vache" image is worth the visit.
Cow Rumen
- Ruminate while they illuminate (thanks Genie).
Checkout the paragraph on Burnable Burps.
Cow Graphics
- Not sure on this one but the graphics are cool, although, according to
their new under construction page, "Warning, the graphics etc. are pretty
old and a bit slow!!"
- Mark Wutka has thought about this a lot.
Mad Cow Disease In The News
- Animal Rights Resource Site: Watch for that head listing to the left
A New Zealand Take On BSE
- That's Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy for the acronym impaired, or Mad
Cow Disease to the rest of us who don't speak medicalese.
- And this just in from Zambia...
- More images & sounds & links. Visit the Cows of Prince Edward
Island link from this page - we're talking contest for a t-shirt here.
Cow Tipping
- Yes, after you're done pouring gasline out on the driveway to watch the
pretty rainbows for your Saturday night entertainment, jump here and tip over a
Swedish cow. Hoo what fun! (Yeah, I know this one's a repeat
of a link on Big Dave's)
Copycat Cyber Cow Tipper
- Jeez anyone can flip a picture over - show me a real cow before & after
& you'll get my respect.
- Despite the image it evokes, this is a very educational site. Hey we all
did one in High School right? Remember how the lens resembled a jelly bean
without the candy coating? Mmmmm.
Informative Article
- Um. Ok. This is a report about findings of investigators in Palermo,
Italy. This is of concern to you new parents.
Unofficial Henry Cow Site
- Yes, the band Henry Cow - who else did you think? Geez.
the Art Cow
- "Make him send you a Moo of Luv" - Speaks for itself doesn't it?
- "Hi ya'll, my name is Peter Salveson and I'm the High Priest of The
Cult of the Golden Cow" ... and I have way too much free time - heck it
rivals Sydd's free time... almost.
Capitalizing on Dairy Cow Herd Life
- FINALLY a get rich quick scheme you can USE!
2 Cow Herd
- An Internet Service Provider
Animal Software
- Download your own copy of a herd record keeping program: "It also has
a sample herd." Awww I hafta check my community's covenants first.
Dairy Industry Myths Exposed!
- Scandalous, simply scandalous.
Falling Cow Sinks Ship
- Sha, that ranks up there with the "stolen liver in Las Vegas" and
the "scuba diver dropped on forest fire" stories.
Jesse the Cow
- The following story is for children young and old.
Cow Expedition Logs
- Read these. The mind jury's still out on this one. Here's a snippet
verbatim (including bad speling): all of a sudden a group of big hairy,
minty looking french guys jumpped me. They took me back to their hide out and
slapped me around, and asked questions as to the reason for our invesigation.
- Beaucoup Cow links - you'll be here a while.
The Surface Area of a Cow
- OK I officially have less free time than these guys, especially the guy
near the end who wrote the virtual dissertation. My first answer was the
"assume a spherical cow"
Marta's Cow
- ... at MIT. The thinktank...
Sacred Cow
- There are no sacred cows... So then you're saying that there's nothing to
visit on this page? Au contraire ma petite chien. You'll need to don your
conceptualization hat. Geez, you'll never take me seriously if I use
descriptive phrases like "makes you think" and other cerebral (after a
long day and a few beers... this is cerebral as I'm gonna get, hon) utterances.
I know, here's what you expect from me: "Checkout the cool email icon at
the bottom." Get thee thither hence.
The Space Cow Association
- Lali-ho! Uh, What?
The Ultimate Collection
Of Winsock Software
- Epitomizes the point of these web pages. This site has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING
to do with cows beyond it's acronym and the image on the main page &
backdrop. It's a PERFECT candidate for this page.
Cows With Guns
- Follow the teachings of radical Cow Tse Tongue and his leftist rag-tag herd
of followers that constitute a significant mooovement.... aw heck this is just
some guy making a statement about the music industry.
{Thanks to
Arthur Carter for this link.}
Cow Day
- Ok, so you've thought about cows alot, and you want to raise bovine
awareness in the US... Maybe he wrote this under duress with one of those
moo-moos pointing a heater at his noggin...
CowTown America
- Ya gotta love a site that moos at you even before it's fully loaded. Find
out the scoop on selenium. Visit the CowTown Cafe and sip a beefy Latte while
perusing the Guidelines for Cooking Ground Beef Patties. Hit the
library for books written on jerky. OK so I made some of this
up - hit the site and find out what parts are true.
- Ok this is a cow lover. Checkout the cow stuff including an animated
holstein, a not annoying (like most others) midi embed, one of the nicer access
counters I've seen (straight from a toaster in Oz, Australia), and a chat area,
all on one page! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to turn off that midi thing -
even the nicest piece will get to you after a while.
{Thanks to
Shadowette for this link.}
- The folks at AltaVista, the web search engine, could have used some fancy
relational database jargon to name this technology, but they didn't, and they
even came up with a cool logo for it. You can't take yourself too seriously
these days.
The Amazing
- Just what you think. When I looked, one of the cows hoofed me off. I
guess I'd make obscene gestures too if I were a cow named Hamburger. I wonder
if they have any horses named Glue or Dogfood, or maybe a Dog named Moo Shu
Pork. Sorry, that was uncalled for, but I had to type it anyway or I'd explode.
You understand.
{Thanks to
Bette for this link.}
This is just ONE of the areas in
Sydd's Internet
Petting Zoo
To Contact SyddWare email