Welcome to my tribute to chickens in web space. This is a fairly
comprehensive list (to date) of references to chickens in general as found on
other people's pages. My criteria was simple - hadda be cluckin'. I shyed away
from commercial stuff but then I break my own (non-existent) rules on occasion.
Enough talking, let's get peeping. My comments are sprinkled throughout. If you
see a link I don't have, feel free to
email me (and don't be so formal, call me
Sydd) and I'll visit it when I can. Be sure to tell me your own homepage URL
when you recommend one (if yours is not the one being recommended) and I'll
include a link to your page and a "Suggested By" byline with the link.
If you'd like to contribute a new page on a particular zone resident, read my
guidelines for
pages on this site.
The unofficial Marshmallow
Peepers Page
- Like the makers of these sweet dreams will ever feel the need to put up an
official page.
{Thanks to
Jim Eagles for this link}
TEZ's Bird Page
- There are domestics here as well.
Donald Firsching's Chicken Page
- Serious information - no rubber chickens here pal.
Mama's Secrets
- Someone webified descriptions of the Chicken Tonight line of
sauces. And I spent time finding these pages.
Chicken with Grapes
- Well so far there are more people interested in eating them. Checkout
other pages one level up - lotsa recipes. Mmmmm Curry Chicken... ohhhh
baaaaabbbiiieeee.... ggguarrrggllllll...
Cannibal Chicken
- OK Gramms, give us your story...
Marietta Georgia's Big
- "... renovations included repair of the motorized beak and rotating
eyes ..." - You know, I had that problem once. Thank goodness there's
Chicken Dive
- Experience The Chicken Advantage: Sky diving chicken style.
The Pyschic Chicken
- They told me I have chicks for brains (not really). Did I ever tell you
the one about the blue chicken and its complete waste of time?
Why did the chicken cross the
- You knew someone had to place a comprehensive web page up about
this most serious of bio-psychological problems.
Why did the
chicken cross the road?
- As comprehensive as the last one was, it didn't include them all.
- A Star Trek variant on the "Chicken Cross the Road" joke. Gee,
my first impression when I heard about this page was "Geek! This oughtta
be lame." You know how first impressions are - mine was dead on.
Update: This one's gone down the same road as all of the
Colonel's pets. Too bad, it was worth a look, despite what I said.
Chicken Mappers' WWW Bulletin
- A service to the Chicken Mappers of the World.
Cyber Chicken
- Cool stuff, a talking 'toon. Bock, bock, bock, bock!!!!!
Thanks to
Internet Underground for this
link. [Added 3 June 1996]
Heads Homepage
- Japanese site. I don't read Japanese. Anyone know what this site is
about? Cool logo though!
Lost Chicken
- Read about six idiots trying to rescue a chicken.
- Finally something useful (though it's more a bunch of stories than facts).
Chicken Head
- The Zaney Web Page of Peter Imes. I guess Peter defines "zaney"
as hard-to-read. Repleat with the "do not click on this" link and the
"click here if you are an idiot" link. I didn't. I'm not.
Chicken and Egg
- We were driving through Arkansas last July on holiday, you know, checking
out Bill's place, etc. We had no idea what we'd otherwise find. OH - MY -
GAWD! What Fun! Hee Hee! I swear I saw Dave Barry there. I'm not making
this up.
Super Chicken
- If only they'd provided some graphics or audio. Sydd mental note: Get some
Super Chicken visuals & sound bites for the web page. Sha - just after we
put the third floor on the house...
Chicken Soup For
The Soul
- Cap'n, there be sounds here. Real Audio Scotty? Aye.
(This link has nothing whatsoever to do with Star Trek, sorry -
it was late when I wrote this - Sydd)
- Hadn't heard this but it brought a smile, maybe because I'm a big fan of
both dishes. The URL's almost as long as the page content. Plus you gotta surf
all the way to Hiroshima to get it. I found it in Germany as well.
Chicken Boy Fridge
- No idea. This one baffled me - but I'll probably order the one shown here.
One Big Chicken:
A Drinking Game
- When I found out this page was from the Real Beer Page site, I stayed a
while. The problem with this particular game is that it requires someone to
remember 10 phrases. I'm usually lucky I can remember my name & how to call
a cab, oh, and in which pocket I keep my wallet.
of Chicken Litter on a Step Grate
- For goodness sake can someone help this poor man with his serious problem?
Then can you explain what it is he asked in english? I mean I know what each of
the words in this message mean individually. But when placed in this particular
order I draw a blank.
Gunning Down
'Chicken Fingers'
- Hey Babu, stop! I'm busting a gut! Hoo! Phew! Gasp!
Blues Magoos: Chicken Wire Lady
- The final cut (4:07) on their Kaleidescopic Compendium CD.
- If you ever get the urge to surround everything on your
page with the Netscape extension <CENTER></CENTER> tags, first go to
this very long page. It's the poster child for the Anti-Centrification League
Umpire (you may have heard of us, uh, me). Oh yeah, forgot to tell you about
the site: There's more fowl than chickens here. Ow! My wife
just smacked me in the back of the head again. Quit That!
to The Net for this link.}
Why did the...
- Here are more chicken road jokes, provided by a visitor who also alerted me
to the run-over-chicken state of the dead URL above.
{Thanks to
David R. Resseguie for
this link.}
[Added 18 Jan 98]
- This is an excellent source for clipart, animated or not. My one
complaint is that they only show you 5 at a time, and I couldn't find a way to
search by keywords. So prepare to do a little hunting.
{Thanks to
David R. Resseguie for this link.}
[Added 18 Jan 98]
This is just ONE of the areas in
Sydd's Internet
Petting Zoo
To Contact SyddWare email