Welcome to Sydd's Internet Zoo Down Under.
Here you'll find a collection of links dedicated to life down
under. We're talking kiwi birds and tasmanian devils and kangaroos here. This
section is being built right now (I'm really getting sick of eucalyptus, Man! do
dingoes stink! Anyone know what kangaroos eat? etc.). If you'd like to
contribute a link to an existing page or a whole new page on a particular area
resident, read my miniscular
guidelines for
pages on this site. Come back soon, these things are changing often.
Kangaroo 95
- This is cool. It's anb account of wargame exercises recently performed by
the Australian Defense Department.
- Brags about being the best chat program & most popular. Anyone ever
heard of it?
{Thanks to INTERNET
underground for this link.}
Programming with
- O'Reilly & Associates' book which features a kangaroo on its cover.
These guys have some very useful books. I own over a dozen of their titles.
You can register with them vial snail mail once then order online securely. The
image above is a tarsier from their book on vi.
Kangaroo Island
- Pssst. Hey Buddy... Yeah you... c'mere a minnit, I got sumpin ta show yuz.
Ya wanna buy an island? Dat's right, I said an island. I got one right heeya.
Well it ain't right heeya, it's in Hervey Bay in NE Australyuz... Hey where ya
goin? Come back! Dis is legit I tell ya! All on the up and up...
- A tavern in Quebec - lots of links, games, music, etc. Web page includes a
coupon for a bière pression (us aficionados can spot a free beer
in any language). Of course you have to take it there to redeem it after
downloading & printing it. Oh wait, it expired 15 Juin 1996 Doh!
Kangaroo Inc.
- OK this is a commercial site so go there, checkout their cool logo then get
back here fast. Oh they have a ticker tape like thing there too that you'd
think is Java but it's just an animated gif. Nice idea, actually.
Kangaroo Cocktail
- OK I'm gonna give it away: the two drinks listed under this name are made
with Vodka & Vermouth. I really only included this because I liked the
corkscrew image. Looks like every mixed drink imaginable is listed at this
site. I wouldn't know, I'm just a sloshbuckler.
Was A Kangaroo
- Austrian Funk & Soul band homepage. Lots of moving stuff here.
Frames, tickers, rotating things & audio from Vienna. Bookmark this page
for examples of how to do things like MARQUEE & BGSOUND HTML tag extensions.
- Either this guy originated these and every one else appropriated them or
vice versa. Or none of the above.
- The Norwegian Kangaroo. Cool backdrop & title image. Not much else,
but you surf to Norway to see them.
- Coming soon
Tasmanian Devil
Archive T page
- This nasty looking guy is not at all like the one tearing up the office on
my mouse pad.
Savage's World
- Come on visiting the site dedicated to... Doc Savage's World
includes pages dedicated to the Tasmanian Devil (the cartoon character not the
real thing - but he has TAZ speaking french here), Stewart Copeland, Prefab
Sprout, Basia, a page of MIDI files PLUS test your skills with Doc Savage's Mind
The Daily .WAV
- It's time once again to play Find The Connection. I found this
whilest on my tasmanian devil search and, yes, there's a TAZ wav file here.
Here's the review of the site I sent to The Net 22 Sep 96: You
have this expensive computer with a fancy sound card. It has the capability of
playing a sound effect with virtually every keystroke, but you've got it just
dinging and monkey screeching boringly. Not anymore. Visit The Daily .WAV and
fill your hard disk to capacity with choice nuggets from characters such as
Seinfeld's Soup Nazi "No soup for You!", every cartoon character
you've ever heard, every famous line from every movie. You name it, you can
find it. And if you can't, they take requests.
All the links that were here went 404, the way of the do-do...
Archive Y page
- The Yallaria is the closest I could come to finding an actual photo.
- ... well until I found the Long-Nosed Bandicoot here. This is a very well
done site. It gave me a few ideas about implementation that they actually
didn't do but that I will do in future. Yeah that makes sense, Sydd.
Tasmanian Mammal Information
- Checkout the sightings and predicted maps. Pretty cool
images. Click on the animal names (the ones that are links obviously) for
pencil sketches.
Bandicoot Outback
- Begin reading this and you are instantly tempted to ready an email message
to the creator with all your spelling and grammar corrections. Don't send too
soon, read on.
Drover's Dream
- From songNet comes this offering. There's a QuickTime .mov here that my
machine refuses to play. Don't worry, it's not a problem with this site, just
with my machine.
Across Australia by Volkswagen
- Gopher to an interesting story. Quite colorful description of a bandicoot
in one paragraph. Which is longer, the story or the URL to see it?
Ranger Rick Index
- Haw-wall Right! An index for all my back issues of Ranger Rick!
They actually covered bandicoots in two separate issues in '90. I remember
those issues. Thanks to the National Wildlife Federation for this important
Canberra Suburbs Commemorating Aboriginals
- Well when I got here I got so involved looking at the aboriginal words I
almost forgot to find the bandicoot reference on this page from a school in,
hold on to your hat, Australia. Checkout all the words they have for star &
moon. Never actually found bandicoot but I spent so much time here I thought it
worth a look. Ok maybe I'm just a word freak and you should move on to the next
link now.
Kamilaroi/Gamilaraay Dictionary
- OK, so, there are more words here. Bet you thought you knew what a guru
was didn't you...
Nanoworld Image Gallery
- So you have this cool powerful microscope, a web page, and a lot of free
time. What to do? What to do indeed! Prepare to spend a lot of time looking at
stuff really close up. Try your hand at the Mystery Image. And check out the
snail sperm before you leave.
Pigs, Koalas & Penguins Page
Koala Page
- A couple of b/w images, a few facts. Gotta snag me a copy of Simon
Hunter's Koala Handbook. It's pocket sized, so that if you're in the
outback, and, say, this nasty band of marauding koalas start attacking your
billabong, we-he-hell you can just whip that baby out and use the information
therein to eucalyptus your way out of it.
Koala TV
- Featuring "blinky" (well that's what I call him) the horrendously
ugly line drawing logo mascot.
- Guess I'm gonna have to setup a page dedicated to animal names that are
acronyms for things that have absoutely nothing to do with that animal. This
one's french.
- This is a nice interactive site for kids. Mine are all sleeping now so I
have to come back to it. But I've spent too much time there already. Don't get
sucked into its mesmerizing stories and elegant graphics.
Favoured Links
- This webmaster borrows from the Windows 95 leit motif for his entire
organization, complete with "start" button. Nice idea and lends
itself well to the content. If it weren't for the fact that I was bored with
this look after the first week of having W95 on my system, I'd have stayed
longer. I don't need to surf to Germany to see it. I moved on to außerdem.
But don't let that stop you - lemme know what you find.
Koala Beret
- With just a few skeins of Berroco's KOALA Chenille you too can make your
own Koala Beret with this text-only, uh, recipe? This appears to be written in
the English language but I can't make heads or tails of it. But then again I
bet that's what others say when I start geekin' on computers, so...
Koala Park
- This tourist site is so cheesy it reaks! Think of the worst touristy
things you can do in Western Australia in a Koala park. That's right! It's all
Little Koala Mother &
Baby Supplies
- Nice little site for a mailorder catalog. I like their simple logo.
Though it meets my image size requirements for inclusion here, it's much better
in it's own environment. Lots of breastfeeding links -- something I don't
believe I've come across before now.
Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
- I figured with an extension like .net this'd be an ISP but it's not.
Multilingual site for this "international tourist attraction" (that
description gets second but equal billing to "World's largest koala
sanctuary"). There's something unsavory about belonging to the Koala Klub.
Bunch of images, a Koala beauty contest, and even a virtual (slide show) tour.
- A candy maker in, of all places, Australia. Well I guess you gotta be near
your main source of ingredients, and koalas ARE native to Australia, so... I'd
imagine they all taste like eucalyptus though. (It's just a
joke.) Free sample with every order! So let me get this straight: I
have to ORDER something to get a sample to see if I like it? Nice logo deckel.
Of The Agitated Wombat
- The flies will return in greater numbers than before. This
and other tidbits of, uh, nuggets of, uh, word groupings await you.
- Second-generation Wombat robot technology You know, 'cause
that first generation Wombat robot technology was so crude.
the Wombat
- After Earl is done tutoring the students, he wanders down to the commisary
and replaces the raisins in the Cinnamon Bread with some of his own. What Fun!
Everyone should have a marsupial wandering their halls.
Wombat on the
- We Like To
Use Big Capital
The Northern Hairy Nosed Wombat
- It's official, I'm convinced that every nickname I had in college
is now the title of a web page. Here's another!
Pages at WombatNet
- Checkout the Tasmanian wombat sightings image. Bunch of kids links here
too - I spent too much time at this site.
to Wombat
- I had to go to Japan to see the first non-cartoon image of a wombat. There
are a bunch of links to other wombat pages (I didn't even want to try
the one called There's A Wombat In My Bed), stuff on comets and
A Wombat's Homepage
- The images of the wombats on this page scared me, scared me to the bone.
Especially the last one [shudder]. Don't make me look at them again,
please. Send them back to Caddyshack from whence they came.
- Well it makes sense that this spells out some phrase, as in SNAFU.
Classics Page
- Ever wonder what Lady Godiva's horse was named?
Wombat Rafting &
Ale Society, Ltd.
- I never delved deep enough into this site to find out just how many wombats
it takes to make a decent whitewater raft. But then, I kept longingly gazing at
the word Ale which kept distracting me. No wombats here, just
- Well, uh, I'm kind of speechless about this one because it's kind of
content-less. One Scott
Lamshed of Goanna.Com asked me to link to their page, but aside from the
black & white drawing of a Goanna, I don't find much else here. Keep
visiting, folks, as will I, and maybe they'll actually place some content here
more worth visiting than their "link randomiser" which serves you 7 of
50 links every time you load it. Well, there's your link Scott, get back to me
when there's something there to visit.
Archive G page
- I tossed this in here as a start. There's a color shot of a goanna (I hear
they're tasty!) and some facts.
- Coming soon
d page
- A resident of Auckland, New Zealand provides us with some snaps and facts
on this mysterious bird (not the fruit, the car, the breakfast cereal, the
naugahyde color, the toothpaste, the posterboard manufacturer or the internet
service provider).
{Thanks to
David for this
Coming soon
Pygmy Possum
- She's more interested in discovering a new bat species than in these cute
little possums, but she also has the first color photo of these rare endangered
beasties (hey, there's a bandicoot right next to it too).
The Impact of Global Warming:
- If you'd been wondering about the impact of Global Warming on the Mountain
Pygmy-possum, Burramys parvus, check out these charts, maps and a black &
white fuzzy photo. C'mon, admit it, you asked yourself this very same question
just a few minutes ago - that's why you've come to me to help you get answers.
- The Environment Centre of Western Australia has another color photo of one
of these beasties. Find out about some easy things you can do to make a
contribution towards a cleaner environment. No, not just the Western Austrailia
Archive N page
- You're just dying to see what this lesser known cousin of the
wombat that actually has no nerves in its entire body. Ok I'm
lying about the nerves part. Isn't every baseball bat a numbat if it hits your
head in just the right spot? (I got a million of 'em.)
- Although currently a non-profit organization, Numbat Incorporated
and its subsidaries are working steadily towards making Numbat Incorporated a
fully functional corporation for the next century. Translation: We
haven't yet found anyone willing to pay us for our work. I belong to the same
club guys.
- Read all about permaculture and Local Exchange Trading Systems. This is a
very "green" page (i.e. environmentally consciousness from Australia).
Barnyard Animals Guild
- These animals work together to keep livestock free from evil.
Spermatology Homepage
- The logo is to be seen. We're talking a giant sperm encircling Australia.
This guy has a thing for little green balls. Look thee's one now!
Myrmecobius fasciatus
- Your basic fact filled page.
and Irene Morcombe's Photo Album
- Your basic foto filled page.
- Coming soon
Frilled Lizard
- Coming soon
Archive D page
- I tossed this in here as a start. There's a color drawing of a dingo
(Don't they make boots out of these guys?) and some facts.
- Coming soon
To Contact SyddWare email